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use AutoStore the starting style is to create one AutoStore the core object, all functions are based on Store objects to achieve.

AutoStore provide createStore and useStore two methods to create Store object.


createStore methods to create AutoStore object.

  • Method signature

createStore the method signature is as follows:

function createStore<State extends Dict>(
  initial: State,
  • Exemplary example

const store = createStore({
    return scope.price * scope.count

const { state, $, watch  } = store

Create store after the object, you can pass store.state object to access status data.

  • Access status data besides store.state.price
  • Modify status data besides store.state.price = 200, This will trigger total re -calculation, because it depends on price and count.
  • Monitoring status data changes besides watch("count",callback) methods to monitor the read and write operation of status data. When the state data changes, the callback function will be triggered.
  • Signal component besides $('total') to create React component, this component will be in total re -rendering when the state data changes, so as to achieve the finest granular component update.


Can be used in components useStore create AutoStore example.

  • Method signature

createStore the method signature is as follows:

function useStore<State extends Dict>(
  initial: State,
  • Exemplary example
import { useStore } from '@autostorejs/react';
import { Button,ColorBlock } from "x-react-components" 

export default () => {
  const { state,$ } = useStore({

  return <div>    
      <ColorBlock name="Count">{$('count')}</ColorBlock>
      <Button onClick={()=>state.count++}>Count++</Button>

const { state, $, watch  } = store
```## Configuration

 `createStore` the second parameter of the method is configuration, which is used to configure `Store` behavior.


export type AutoStoreOptions<State extends Dict> = { 

     *  是否马上创建动态对象
     * @description
     * 默认情况下,计算函数仅在第一次读取时执行,
     * 如果lazy=true时,则延迟创建计算对象
     * @default true
    lazy?: boolean 
      * 是否启用计算
      * @description
      * 当enableComputed=false时,会创建计算属性,但不会执行计算函数
      * 可以通过enableComputed方法启用
      * 相当于全局计算总开关
     * 获取计算函数的根scope
     * @description
     * 计算函数在获取scope时调用,允许修改其根scope
     * 默认指向的是当前根对象,此处可以修改其指向
     * 比如,return  state.fields,代表计算函数的根指向state.fields
     * 这样在指定依赖时,如depends="count",则会自动转换为state.fields.count
    getRootScope?:(state:State,options:{computedType:ObserverType, valuePath:string[] | undefined}) => any

     * 为所有动态值对象提供默认的scope参数
     * @description
     * 默认情况下,所有computedObject,watchObject的scope参数均为CURRENT
     * 可以通过此参数来为所有的computedObject,watchObject提供默认的scope参数
     * 比如让所有的computedObject,watchObject的默认scope参数均为ROOT 
    scope?: ComputedScope
     * 当启用debug=true时用来输出日志信息
     * @param message 
     * @param level 
     * @returns 
    log?:(message:any,level?:'info' | 'error' | 'warn')=>void  
     * 当创建计算属性时调用
     * @description
     * 允许在此对计算对象进行一些处理,比如重新封装getter函数,或者直接修改ComputedOptions
     * @example
     * createStore({...},{
     *  onCreateComputed(computedObject){
     *      const oldGetter = computedObject.getter
     *      computedObject.getter = function(){
     *          do something
     *          return,...arguments) 
     *      }
     *  }
     * })  
     * @param this 
     * @param computedObject 
     * @returns 
    onComputedCreated?:(this:AutoStore<State>,computedObject:ComputedObject)=> void
     * 当每一次计算完成后调用
     * @param this 
     * @param computedObject 
     * @returns 
    onComputedDone?:(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],value:any,computedObject:ComputedObject})=> void

     * 当计算出错时调用
     * @param this 
     * @param error 
     * @param computedObject 
     * @returns 
    onComputedError?:(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],error:Error,computedObject:ComputedObject})=> void
     * 当每一次计算对象被取消时调用
     * 仅在异步计算时有效
     * @param this 
     * @param computedObject 
     * @returns 
    onComputedCancel?:(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],reason:'timeout' | 'abort' | 'reentry' | 'error',computedObject:ComputedObject<any>})=> void

```### ID

- **type** besides `string` 
- **default value:**  `Random string` 

for `Store` object provides an ID for identifying the current `Store` object.
Generally, no configuration is required, just enabled `debug` pattern and `devTools` when it is used to distinguish different ones `Store` object.

### debug

- **type** besides `boolean` 
- **default value:**  `false` 

Open up `debug` models will output log information.

### lazy

- **type** besides `boolean` 
- **default value:**  `false` 

Open up `lazy` models create calculation objects only when reading.

### enablecomputed

- **type** besides `boolean` 
- **default value:**  `false` 

Whether to enable calculations, should `enableComputed=false` at the time, the calculation attribute will be created, but all the calculation functions will not be executed. Equivalent to the global computing general switch.

### getrootscope

- **type** besides `(state:State,options:{computedType:ObserverType, valuePath:string[] | undefined}) => any` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

The calculation function is obtaining `scope` call it on time and allow the root cause of the root `scope`.
The default point is the current root object, which can be modified here.

for example `return  state.fields`, Represent the root point of the calculation function `state.fields` essence This is when specified dependencies, such as `depends="count"`, Will automatically convert it to `state.fields.count`.

### scope

- **type** besides `ComputedScope` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

By default, all `computedObject`,`watchObject` of `scope` the parameters are `CURRENT`.
For example, you can use this parameter to make all the ones `computedObject`,`watchObject` default `scope` the parameters are `ROOT ` 

### Log

- **type** besides `(message:any,level?:'info' | 'error' | 'warn')=>void` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

Be enabled `debug=true` functions used to output log information.
This function can be used to define the output log information, which can be more convenient to combine the log in the application system.

### oncomputemcreated

- **type** besides `(this:AutoStore<State>,computedObject:ComputedObject)=> void` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

Call when creating calculation attributes.

### oncomputeddone

- **type** besides `(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],value:any,computedObject:ComputedObject})=> void` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

Call when the calculation attribute calculation is completed.

### oncomputedeerror

- **type** besides `(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],error:Error,computedObject:ComputedObject})=> void` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

Call when the calculation attribute is calculated.### oncomputedcancel

- **type** besides `(this:AutoStore<State>,args:{id:string,path:string[],reason:'timeout' | 'abort' | 'reentry' | 'error',computedObject:ComputedObject<any>})=> void` 
- **default value:**  `undefined` 

Call when the calculation attribute is canceled.