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Simple field

Basic usage

The easiest way to create a table field is for input/textarea/select element add data-field-name the value of the attribute is the state path.

export default ()=>{
    const { Form, useField } = useForm({
            job: 2,
    return <Form>
        <input data-field-name=""/>
        <input data-field-name="user.age" type="number"/>
        <select data-field-name="user.job">
            <option value="1">程序员</option>
            <option value="2">教师</option>
            <option value="3">公务员</option>
            <option value="4">外卖员</option>
        <input data-field-name="" type="checkbox"/>
  • In the code above, we didn’t do it input/select control specification value attributes, there is no reason input control specification onChange event processing function,Just specifydata-field-nameProperties are used to specify the state path.
  • Form when initialization, the component will automatically be inside the form data-field-name attribute input/select controls for data binding and event processing to achieve two -way binding of the state and input state.

The actual effect is as follows:

Encapsulation field

In actual use, we are generally right input/textarea/select elements are encapsulated so that more appearance control can be performed. Therefore, we can also pass the packaging element data-field-name = '<State Path>' identity is a table field.

<div data-field-name="" >
  <label>First Name</label>
  <span className="invalid"></span>
  • In the code above, we will input element packaging in one div in elements.
  • use data-field-name identify div the element is a table field,Form the component will have data-field-name the element of the attribute is deemed to be a table field, looking for its internal input/textarea/select elements are for data binding and event processing.

The actual effect is as follows: